Sunday, March 1, 2020

2020 Reading List Monthly Update: February

Books read in February of 2020:
"The Egyptian Book of the Dead: The Complete Papyrus of Ani: Twentieth Anniversary Edition" (Unknown) 2-9-20
"Cleopatra: A Life" (Stacy Schiff) 2-10-20
"Pyramid" (David Macaulay) 2-11-20
"Hiccups in Paradise: the Fiction of Justin Isis and Alienation" (Colby Smith) 2-19-20
"Neo-Decadent Manifesto of Interpersonal Relationships" (Justin Isis) 2-20-20
"What Makes the Wave Break?" (Toadhouse) 2-20-20
"Sentimental Doubts" (Teresa Wilms Montt) 2-22-20
"Desire for a Holy War" (Simon Morris) 2-25-20
"Hauntings" (Édouard Dujardin) 2-25-20
"Invisibility: A Manifesto" (Audrey Szasz) 2-27-20
"When a Girl Loves a Girl" (Jeremy Reed) 2-29-20
2020 Reading List Total:
1. "Beauty and Sadness" (Yasunari Kawabata) 1-8-20
2. "Egyptian Mythology" (Geraldine Pinch) 1-15-20
3. "The Last Crusade" (Jean-Louis Costes) 1-24-20
4. "Writings from Ancient Egypt" (edited by Toby Wilkinson) 1-25-20
5. "If Beale Street Could Talk" (James Baldwin) 1-27-20
6. "The Egyptian Book of the Dead: The Complete Papyrus of Ani: Twentieth Anniversary Edition" (Unknown) 2-9-20
7. "Cleopatra: A Life" (Stacy Schiff) 2-10-20
8. "Pyramid" (David Macaulay) 2-11-20
9. "Hiccups in Paradise: the Fiction of Justin Isis and Alienation" (Colby Smith) 2-19-20
10. "Neo-Decadent Manifesto of Interpersonal Relationships" (Justin Isis) 2-20-20
11. "What Makes the Wave Break?" (Toadhouse) 2-20-20
12. "Sentimental Doubts" (Teresa Wilms Montt) 2-22-20
13. "Desire for a Holy War" (Simon Morris) 2-25-20
14. "Hauntings" (Édouard Dujardin) 2-25-20
15. "Invisibility: A Manifesto" (Audrey Szasz) 2-27-20
16. "When a Girl Loves a Girl" (Jeremy Reed) 2-29-20

*= book I have read at least once in the past
+= book I have read before, but not this reprint/edition/translation

Currently Reading: 

"Stand on Zanzibar" (John Brunner) 
"The Metapheromenoi" (Brendan Connell)