The Lemming Syndrome
by James Champagne
Suicide was, as a definition, the act of killing oneself purposely. Only two creatures on Earth were known to commit suicide everyday. The humans, of course, and the lemmings. Lemmings were hamster-sized rodents, most of whom lived underground who, for no apparent reason, occasionally gathered in huge crowds and, single-file, jumped off cliffs to their deaths or drowned themselves. There were speculations done on why they did this, but none were proven. Anyway, the world would soon be experiencing suicide, and many people would die.
It began September 4th, 1995, in Portugal, and from there the evil began to spread, and no one knew it would soon envelope the entire world and its inhabitants.
Portugal’s suicide rate before the 4th was only a mere 10%. One week after the forth, it was 30%. This worried the leaders of the countries. By the end of the month, they were up to 50%, and the suicide rate was rising.
News coverage began, and more and more people in Portugal began to kill themselves, without warning. A man went to work one day, jumped off a bridge the next. Portugal’s population began to drop, slowly at first, then like a wildfire. Soon, no one was left.
Everyone in Portugal was dead. No one could explain this phenomenon of nature, but it was soon dubbed “The Lemming Syndrome”.
People in Spain began to kill themselves. When everyone in Spain was dead, it hit France. The countries were littered with bodies. People began to flee the country. But there was nowhere to run. To avoid contamination, soldiers were sent to the countries, but they just killed themselves, too.
Italy. Greece. Poland. Germany. It was spreading all over Europe. People, normal one day, just killed themselves. Guns, knives, jumping off buildings, any way they could, even drowning themselves.
The world was shocked when everyone in England died. After that, everyone in Europe was dead.
Then it hit Asia. China was the worst off. Millions of people, dead. Japan became a ghost town.
Africa was hit hard too. Like the awful famines and the Ebola virus, hundreds began to die. People just simply killed themselves. Soon, they were all dead, just like Australia, and Europe, and Asia. Billions of people had committed suicide, and the continents were devoid of human life. Buildings, homes, streets empty. Bodies, skeletons everywhere.
South America was next. To avoid contamination, and for the preservation of the human species, North America bombed the South with nuclear bombs. South America was destroyed, and all that was left was the United States and Canada. Everyone else died.
The problem was gone. The self-proclaimed “Lemming Syndrome” was gone. Things were back to normal.
Then, in America, a man killed himself…

That teacher's note is just horrible. Teacher fail.