Thursday, July 25, 2013

Update on writing projects

It's been awhile since I updated this blog with news of my writing projects: odd, as I've gotten quite a bit of writing done this year.

First off, there is a chance that at some point in the future (either late this year or sometime next year) an enhanced and remixed version of my first novel, Confusion, might be published. More details to come as that unfolds.

I'm still hard at work typing out my Trinity fantasy trilogy. Book 1 is mostly complete (though much editing and rewriting remains to be done), and I'm almost halfway through typing out Book 2. I would like to finish typing out Book 2 this year, then do Book 3 next year.

Work is almost nearing completion on my second short story collection, which I intend to be my final collection of horror/weird fiction/supernatural stories. I hope to finish it this year, and maybe seek out a publisher for it next year. It is much shorter than Grimoire, my first collection, and will probably consist of 8 stories or so, 7 of which are mostly complete. The names of some of the stories I have planned for this collection include (in no order): "The Aphotic Zone," "The Demons in the Fresco," "The Yellow Notebook," "The Snow Globes of Patient O.T.," "Iridophobia," "The Fire Sermon," and "Dyad." I don't have a name for the 8th and last story yet. I'm still undecided as to what name to give to this collection, but some potential titles I'm playing around with include The Revolting Science of God, Strange and Unproductive Thinking, Sabaziorum, & Opus Contra Naturam.

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