Sunday, March 31, 2019

2019 Reading List Monthly Update: March

Books read in March of 2019:
"The Secret History of Twin Peaks" (Mark Frost) 3-7-19
"This Planet is Doomed: the Science Fiction Poetry of Sun Ra" (Sun Ra) 3-8-19
"Batman: Knightfall Volume 1" (Doug Moench/Chuck Dixon) 3-13-19
"Four Circles" (Meg McCarville) 3-16-19
"The Purple Cloud" (M.P. Shiel) 3-24-19 
2019 Reading List Total:
1. "The Paintings of William Blake" (Raymond Lister) 1-1-19 
2. "Fascination" (Kevin Killian) 1-10-19
3. "Neo-Decadent Manifesto of Women's Fashion" (Justin Isis) 1-11-19
4. "Halyartes and Other Poems in Prose" (Éphraïm Mikhaël) 1-12-19
5. "In the Stillness of Marble" (Teresa Wilms Montt) 1-13-19
6. "Harlem Smoke" (James Champagne) 1-18-19 *
7. "The Shadow" (Maurice Level) 1-20-19
8. "Batman: A Death in the Family" (Jim Starlin/Marv Wolfman) +
9. "Death Mort Tod: A European Book of the Dead" (Steve Finbow/Karolina Urbaniak) 1-26-19
10. "Of Kings and Things" (Count Stanislaus Eric Stenbock/ed. David Tibet) 1-27-19
11. "Batman: Sword of Azrael" (Dennis O'Neil) 1-30-19
12. "The Rita: Anatomical Charisma" (Sam McKinlay/Gabrielle Losoncy) 2-1-19
13. "Sea of Love" (Simon Morris) 2-3-19
14. "Inside the Castle" (Josiah Morgan) 2-4-19
15. "War with the Newts" (Karel Čapek) 2-5-19
16. "Granite City Blues" (Josh Peterson) 2-8-19
17. "Bloom" (Kevin Panetta/Savanna Ganucheau) 2-8-19
18. "The Metapheromenoi" (Brendan Connell) 2-10-19
19. "Batman: Prelude to Knightfall" (Chuck Dixon/Doug Moench) 2-13-19
20. "Tosh: Growing up in Wallace Berman's World" (Tosh Berman) 2-24-19
21. "The Ballet of Dr. Caligari and Madder Mysteries" (Reggie Oliver) 2-26-19
22. "Negrophobia: An Urban Parable" (Darius James) 2-27-19
23. "The Secret History of Twin Peaks" (Mark Frost) 3-7-19
24. "This Planet is Doomed: the Science Fiction Poetry of Sun Ra" (Sun Ra) 3-8-19
25. "Batman: Knightfall Volume 1" (Doug Moench/Chuck Dixon) 3-13-19
26. "Four Circles" (Meg McCarville) 3-16-19
27. "The Purple Cloud" (M.P. Shiel) 3-24-19

*= book I have read at least once in the past
+= book I have read before, but not this reprint/edition/translation

Currently Reading:

"Faustina and Other Stories" (Renée Vivien and Helène de Zuylen de Nyevelt)
"Death in Midsummer" (Yukio Mishima) 

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